Boekhandel Raaklijn - 8000 Brugge

I am homeless if this is not my home

Engels | 30-06-2023 | 193 pagina's


Paperback / softback

€ 19,50


Tekst achterflap

From one of the most celebrated imaginations in American literature, Lorrie Moore's new novel is a magic box of longing and surprise.

High up in a New York City hospice, he sits with his beloved brother Max, who is slipping from one world into the next. But when a phone call summons Finn back to a troubled old flame, a strange journey begins, opening a trapdoor in reality. It will prompt a questioning of life and death, grief and the past, comedy and tragedy, and the diaphanous separations that lie betw


EAN :9780571273867
Uitgever :Faber and Faber
Publicatie datum :  30-06-2023
Uitvoering :Paperback / softback
Taal/Talen : Engels
Status :Nog niet beschikbaar
Aantal pagina's :193
Keywords :  romans;broers;liefde;afscheid nemen;dood