Boekhandel Raaklijn - 8000 Brugge

The marriage portrait

Engels | 26-08-2022 | 352 pagina's


Paperback / softback

€ 21,95


Tekst achterflap

Florence, the 1560s. Lucrezia, third daughter of Cosimo de' Medici, is free to wander the palazzo at will, wondering at its treasures and observing its clandestine workings. But when her older sister dies on the eve of marriage to Alfonso d'Este, ruler of Ferrara, Modena and Reggio, Lucrezia is thrust unwittingly into the limelight: the duke is quick to request her hand in marriage, and her father to accept on her behalf.

Having barely left girlhood, Lucrezia must now make her way in a troubled court wh


Florence, the 1560s. Lucrezia, third daughter of Cosimo de' Medici, is free to wander the palazzo at will, wondering at its treasures and observing its clandestine workings. But when her older sister dies on the eve of marriage to Alfonso d'Este, ruler of Ferrara, Modena and Reggio, Lucrezia is thrust unwittingly into the limelight: the duke is quick to request her hand in marriage, and her father to accept on her behalf.

Having barely left girlhood, Lucrezia must now make her way in a troubled court wh


EAN :9781472223852
Uitgever :Hachette Collections
Publicatie datum :  26-08-2022
Uitvoering :Paperback / softback
Taal/Talen : Engels
Status :Niet op voorraad
Aantal pagina's :352
Keywords :  lucrezia de' medici;alfonso d'este;historische literatuur;biografische literatuur;florence;16de eeuw;romans;renaissance;italië;uithuwelijking