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Vintage Earth Series: The Man With the Compound Eyes

Engels | 25-07-2022 | 304 pagina's


Paperback / softback

€ 14,95



Tekst achterflap

On the island of Wayo Wayo, every second son must leave on the day he turns fifteen as a sacrifice to the Sea God. Atile'i however is determined to defy destiny and become the first to survive. Across the sea, Alice Shih's life is interrupted when a vast trash vortex comes crashing onto the shore of Taiwan, bringing Atile'i with it.

In the aftermath of the catastrophe, Atile'i and Alice retrace her late husband's footsteps into the mountains, hoping to solve the mystery of her son's disappearance. On th


On the island of Wayo Wayo, every second son must leave on the day he turns fifteen as a sacrifice to the Sea God. Atile'i however is determined to defy destiny and become the first to survive. Across the sea, Alice Shih's life is interrupted when a vast trash vortex comes crashing onto the shore of Taiwan, bringing Atile'i with it.

In the aftermath of the catastrophe, Atile'i and Alice retrace her late husband's footsteps into the mountains, hoping to solve the mystery of her son's disappearance. On th


EAN :9781784877903
Uitgever :Ballantine Books
Publicatie datum :  25-07-2022
Uitvoering :Paperback / softback
Taal/Talen : Engels
Hoogte :198 mm
Breedte :129 mm
Status : Bestelbaar
Aantal pagina's :304