Boekhandel Raaklijn - 8000 Brugge

The wall

Engels | 25-07-2022 | 240 pagina's


Paperback / softback

€ 14,95



Tekst achterflap

A woman goes to the Austrian mountains to spend a few days in a hunting lodge with her cousin and his wife. When the couple fail to return from a walk, the woman tries to go into the village to look for them. Instead she comes across a transparent wall behind which there seems to be no life. Trapped behind the wall, a result of a too successful military experiment, she begins the arduous work of not only survival but self-renewal. The Wall is at once a simple document of potatoes and beans, of hoping for a calf, of counting matches, of forgetting the taste of sugar and the use of one's name, and simultaneously a disturbing meditation on our place in the natural world.


EAN :9781784878030
Uitgever :Ballantine Books
Vertaler : Shaun Whiteside
Publicatie datum :  25-07-2022
Uitvoering :Paperback / softback
Taal/Talen : Engels
Hoogte :198 mm
Breedte :129 mm
Status : Bestelbaar
Aantal pagina's :240
Reeks :  Vintage earth
Keywords :  psychologische literatuur;eenzaamheid;vrouwen;romans;overleven;mens en dier;verfilmde boeken