Boekhandel Raaklijn - 8000 Brugge

Keith Haring

Engels | 27-12-2023 | 123 pagina's


Paperback / softback

€ 30,00


Tekst achterflap

From his boyhood days spent drawing compulsively through his tragic death, the trajectory of Keith Haring’s life is a story of incredible achievement, luck, opportunity, and extraordinary commitment. This graphic novel looks at every stage of that life, exploring his early influences, the roots of his activism, and his close friendships with other artist contemporaries. It shows readers what it was like to be part of New York City’s vibrant downtown art scene in the 1980s-the nightclubs, art openings, the


From his boyhood days spent drawing compulsively through his tragic death, the trajectory of Keith Haring’s life is a story of incredible achievement, luck, opportunity, and extraordinary commitment. This graphic novel looks at every stage of that life, exploring his early influences, the roots of his activism, and his close friendships with other artist contemporaries. It shows readers what it was like to be part of New York City’s vibrant downtown art scene in the 1980s-the nightclubs, art openings, the


EAN :9783791388434
Uitgever :Prestel Publishing
Vertaler : Katharine Cofer
Publicatie datum :  27-12-2023
Uitvoering :Paperback / softback
Taal/Talen : Engels
Status :Nog niet beschikbaar
Aantal pagina's :123
Keywords :  haring keith;stripverhalen;graphic novels;biografische literatuur;kunstenaarskringen;new york;1980-1990